VTL Siegfried Series II Reference: Unleashing Audiophile Delight


In today’s world of audio enthusiasts, finding the perfect amplifier that can deliver exceptional sound quality is a quest that many embark upon. The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is one such gem that promises to elevate your listening experience to new heights. With its impressive power output and advanced features, this amplifier sets a new standard for high-fidelity sound reproduction.

A high-quality sound amplifier is a crucial component in any audio setup, as it ensures that the delicate nuances and dynamics of the music are faithfully reproduced. Whether you’re a music lover, audiophile, or professional musician, having an amplifier that can accurately amplify the audio signal is essential for an immersive and captivating listening experience.

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is designed to meet the demands of even the most discerning audiophiles. With its 800-watt mono configuration and fully tube-based circuitry, it possesses an exceptional power reserve that can effortlessly handle even the most demanding musical compositions. This powerhouse of an amplifier pushes the boundaries of what is possible with tube amplifiers.

In this review, we will delve into the technical specifications, design and construction, functionality, sound characteristics, sound performance, advantages, value for money, and ultimately draw our conclusion on whether the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier lives up to its claims and expectations. So sit back, relax, and join us on this journey as we explore the capabilities and sonic prowess of this remarkable piece of audio equipment.

Technical Specifications

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is a powerful and high-performance tube amplifier that pushes the boundaries of what is possible for tube amplifiers. With its fully tube-based circuitry, this monoblock amplifier delivers exceptional power, making it capable of handling even the most demanding musical compositions.

Featuring an impressive power output of 800 watts, the Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers a wide dynamic range and a tight, deep, and well-defined bass response. Its simple audio circuit design and high-quality audiophile-grade components contribute to a full-bodied and rich sound reproduction. The amplifier’s sound signature is characterized by its natural tonal accuracy, faithfully reproducing the timbres of musical instruments and human voices.

The Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier features an automatic bias adjustment system with logic control, allowing the amplifier to constantly perform self-diagnostics for optimal playback quality. This system provides real-time information about each tube’s condition and alerts the user when replacement is necessary. This eliminates the need for blind replacements and tedious adjustments often associated with large tube amplifiers, setting new standards for playback quality.

In terms of technical specifications, the Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier operates as a mono amplifier with a power consumption of 650 watts. It has a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 110 dB, ensuring a low noise floor and excellent sound clarity. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is kept to a minimum, guaranteeing accurate sound reproduction without unwanted distortion.

This amplifier offers various input options to accommodate different audio sources. However, it does not support XLR inputs or outputs. The frequency response ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, covering the entire audible spectrum with precision. The impedance compatibility allows seamless integration with a wide range of speakers.

Overall, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier stands out with its impressive technical specifications and exceptional audio performance. It combines power, accuracy, and reliability to deliver a captivating listening experience. Whether you are a discerning audiophile or a professional musician, this amplifier offers an outstanding solution for achieving high-fidelity sound reproduction.

Design and Construction

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier boasts an elegant and robust design that exudes both sophistication and durability. The amplifier is encased in a sleek black chassis, which adds a touch of modernity to its overall appearance. The use of high-quality materials in its construction ensures longevity and reliability.

One notable design feature of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is its efficient cooling system. The amplifier is equipped with strategically placed ventilation slots and heat sinks, allowing for optimal heat dissipation during prolonged usage. This design element not only prevents overheating but also contributes to the amplifier’s overall performance by ensuring consistent and reliable operation.

In terms of reducing interference, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier incorporates shielding technology to minimize any potential electromagnetic interference or noise. This attention to detail in the design helps maintain the integrity of the audio signal, resulting in a cleaner and more accurate sound reproduction.

The connectors and switches on the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier are of exceptional quality. They are sturdy, well-built, and provide a secure connection for various audio sources. The switches have a smooth action, offering precise control over settings without any unwanted noise or distortion.

Overall, the design and construction of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier demonstrate meticulous attention to detail, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and functional efficiency. The use of high-quality materials, efficient cooling mechanisms, and reliable connectors contribute to its overall durability and performance.


The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers a wide range of functionality to cater to different audio sources and preferences. With its versatile connectivity options, you can easily connect various audio devices such as CD players, computers, smartphones, and more. This ensures that you can enjoy your music from any source without any hassle.

In terms of operating modes, the amplifier provides balance controls and tone adjustments, allowing you to fine-tune the audio output according to your preferences. Whether you want to enhance the bass or adjust the treble, the Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier gives you the flexibility to customize the sound to suit your taste.

Additionally, this amplifier features an automatic bias adjustment system with logical control. This innovative system constantly monitors and adjusts the bias currents of the vacuum tubes for optimal performance and longevity. It eliminates the need for manual bias adjustments, ensuring that the amplifier always operates at its best.

Furthermore, the Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers a range of protection features to safeguard both the amplifier and your connected audio equipment. It includes a comprehensive diagnostic system that informs you about the status of each tube and alerts you when a replacement is needed. This eliminates any guesswork or potential damage caused by faulty tubes.

Overall, the functionality of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is designed to provide convenience, flexibility, and peace of mind. Whether you are a casual listener or an audiophile seeking precise control over your audio experience, this amplifier delivers on all fronts.

Sound Characteristics

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier delivers an exceptional sound quality that is sure to impress even the most discerning audiophiles. Its sound characteristics are characterized by a remarkable level of detail, instrument separation, and clarity across the entire frequency range.

When it comes to details, the Siegfried excels at reproducing intricate nuances and subtleties in the music. Every note and texture is rendered with precision, allowing you to hear even the smallest details that may have been previously overlooked. This attention to detail creates a truly immersive listening experience.

Instrument separation is another area where the Siegfried shines. The amplifier effortlessly separates each instrument in the soundstage, giving them their own space and allowing them to be heard distinctly. This level of separation enhances the overall realism and depth of the music, making it feel as if you are sitting right in front of a live performance.

The bass response of the Siegfried is nothing short of impressive. With its 800-watt power output, it effortlessly delivers a powerful and well-defined bass that adds weight and impact to every track. Whether you’re listening to electronic beats or orchestral compositions, the Siegfried ensures that every bass note is felt as much as it is heard.

In terms of treble clarity, the Siegfried maintains a perfect balance between smoothness and detail. The highs are crisp and well-extended without ever becoming harsh or fatiguing. This ensures that delicate instruments such as cymbals and violins retain their natural timbre and sparkle without any harshness or sibilance.

When it comes to different music genres, the Siegfried excels across the board. It effortlessly handles classical pieces with their intricate arrangements and dynamic range, allowing each instrument to shine individually while maintaining cohesion within the ensemble. In rock and pop music, it brings out the energy and drive in every guitar riff or drum beat, creating an engaging and lively listening experience. For jazz and blues enthusiasts, the Siegfried’s ability to reproduce the subtle nuances of each instrument ensures that every note from a saxophone or guitar is rendered with warmth and authenticity.

Overall, the sound characteristics of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier are nothing short of exceptional. Its attention to detail, instrument separation, powerful bass response, and balanced treble clarity make it a top choice for audiophiles who demand the best in sound reproduction. Regardless of the music genre, this amplifier will bring your favorite tracks to life with an unparalleled level of realism and musicality.

Sound Performance

The sound performance of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is nothing short of exceptional. It has the ability to transport the listener into a truly immersive auditory experience, bringing music to life in a way that is both captivating and mesmerizing.

One of the standout qualities of this amplifier is its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with remarkable clarity. Every instrument and vocal nuance is rendered with impressive detail, allowing the listener to hear subtle intricacies in the music that may have gone unnoticed before. The amplifier maintains a high level of transparency, ensuring that no part of the audio spectrum is overshadowed or masked.

Furthermore, the dynamics produced by the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference are truly breathtaking. It effortlessly captures the ebb and flow of music, conveying both delicate passages and explosive crescendos with precision and finesse. The amplifier’s ability to handle complex musical passages with ease ensures that no detail is lost or muddled, resulting in a highly engaging listening experience.

In terms of tonal balance, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference excels across different frequency ranges. The bass response is deep and authoritative, providing a solid foundation for the music without overpowering or becoming boomy. The midrange is rich and full-bodied, allowing vocals and instruments to shine with natural warmth and presence. The treble is extended and airy, offering shimmering highs that add sparkle and dimension to the overall soundstage.

Overall, the sound performance of the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is simply outstanding. Its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with clarity, dynamics, and tonal balance across different frequency ranges sets it apart from many other amplifiers on the market. Whether you’re listening to classical symphonies or energetic rock anthems, this amplifier will deliver an immersive and captivating listening experience that will leave you craving for more.


The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers several advantages that set it apart from its competitors. Firstly, its impressive power output of 800 watts allows for a dynamic and impactful audio performance, delivering a wide range of frequencies with precision and clarity. This amplifier effortlessly handles even the most demanding musical compositions, ensuring an immersive listening experience.

One standout feature is the automatic bias adjustment system with logic control. This system constantly monitors and adjusts the bias currents of each tube, optimizing performance and prolonging the lifespan of the tubes. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments and ensures consistent and reliable operation.

Additionally, the integrated diagnostic system provides valuable information about the status of each tube, alerting users to any potential issues or the need for replacement. This feature not only enhances convenience but also maintains optimal playback quality.

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier boasts stable power sources that guarantee consistent playback quality and powerful bass response. The use of high-quality audio components further enhances the overall sound reproduction, providing a full-bodied and natural sound signature. The amplifier strikes an excellent balance between accuracy and musicality, faithfully reproducing instrument timbres and human voices with exceptional realism.

When compared to other models in its price range, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference stands out for its advanced features and superior audio performance. Its robust power output surpasses many competitors, allowing for a more dynamic listening experience. The automatic bias adjustment system sets it apart from amplifiers that require manual bias adjustments, reducing maintenance requirements and ensuring optimal performance at all times.

Overall, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers numerous advantages that make it a top choice for audiophiles seeking unparalleled sound quality and convenience. Its powerful performance capabilities, intelligent diagnostics, and high-quality construction make it a worthy investment for discerning music enthusiasts looking to elevate their listening experience.

Value for Money

When considering the value for money offered by the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier, it is important to assess its performance, features, and price. This amplifier truly delivers exceptional audio quality and a range of advanced features that justify its price point.

In terms of performance, the Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier stands out with its impressive power output of 800 watts. This immense power allows for a dynamic and detailed sound reproduction, ensuring that even the most demanding musical compositions are faithfully rendered. The amplifier’s ability to handle complex and challenging loads without compromising on sound quality further enhances its value proposition.

Additionally, the Siegfried Series II Reference boasts a range of features that contribute to its overall value. The automatic bias adjustment system ensures optimal performance by constantly monitoring and adjusting the bias currents of each tube. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments and ensures consistent and reliable operation. The user-friendly interface provides valuable diagnostic information about each tube’s condition, allowing for timely replacements when necessary.

Furthermore, the solid construction and attention to detail in the design of this amplifier reinforce its value for money. With a robust build and high-quality components, the Siegfried Series II Reference offers durability and longevity, minimizing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

Considering all these factors, it becomes evident that the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers excellent value for money. Its exceptional performance, advanced features, and solid construction make it a worthwhile investment for audiophiles who seek uncompromising sound quality and reliability. While it may have a higher price point compared to other amplifiers on the market, its superior performance justifies the investment.


In conclusion, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is a powerhouse in the world of tube amplifiers. With its impressive 800-watt monoblock design and fully tube-based circuitry, it pushes the boundaries of what is possible for tube amplifiers.

The automatic bias adjustment system with logical control sets it apart from other amplifiers in its class, allowing for constant self-diagnosis and optimal playback quality. The user-friendly interface provides information on each individual tube’s condition and alerts users when replacements are needed, eliminating the guesswork and ensuring top-notch performance.

The Siegfried’s ability to handle even the most demanding musical compositions is a testament to its massive stabilized power sources. Its 800 watts of power deliver a wide dynamic range and a deep, well-defined bass. The audio circuitry, built with high-quality audiophile-grade components, adds richness and fullness to the sound without sacrificing natural tonality.

One of the standout features of the Siegfried is its ability to convey the true essence of music. The reproduction is not overly bright or artificial; instead, it captures the natural timbres of instruments and human voices with exceptional accuracy. Combined with its unparalleled ability to convey rhythm, dynamics, and musical texture, this amplifier truly allows listeners to immerse themselves in the music without worrying about the reliability of electronic tubes.

The VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier offers a range of advantages that make it an excellent investment for audiophiles seeking uncompromising performance. Its automatic bias adjustment system extends tube lifespan while optimizing performance for each individual tube. The balanced input stage ensures dynamic playback while minimizing noise interference. Additionally, its robust construction and thoughtful design contribute to its overall durability and reliability.

In terms of value for money, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier delivers exceptional performance that justifies its price tag. While it may be considered a significant investment, its superior audio quality and advanced features make it worth every penny for those who demand the best in their audio systems.

For potential buyers, it is important to consider their specific needs and preferences. If you are an audiophile who values accuracy, natural tonality, and a wide dynamic range, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is an excellent choice. Its power and performance capabilities make it suitable for even the most demanding music genres. However, if you are on a tighter budget or prefer a different sound signature, there may be other options worth exploring.

In conclusion, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier sets new standards in tube amplifier performance. With its exceptional power, intelligent design, and impeccable sound reproduction, it offers a truly captivating listening experience. Whether you are a discerning audiophile or a music lover seeking the best possible sound quality, the VTL Siegfried Series II Reference amplifier is a worthy investment that will elevate your audio system to new heights.

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