Digis AUDIO MK-285: Elevating Sound Quality to New Heights


In today’s world, where music and audio play a significant role in our lives, having a high-quality sound amplifier is essential to enhance the listening experience. Whether you are a music enthusiast, a movie lover, or a professional in the audio industry, investing in a reliable amplifier can make all the difference. In this review, we will be exploring the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier, an exceptional piece of equipment that promises to deliver outstanding audio performance.

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 is designed to meet the needs of audiophiles who crave superior sound quality and precise amplification. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology, this amplifier aims to provide an immersive audio experience like no other. From its technical specifications to its design and construction, we will delve into every aspect of this amplifier to help you make an informed decision.

In today’s fast-paced world, where music streaming and home theater systems have become increasingly popular, having an amplifier that can handle various audio sources is crucial. The Digis AUDIO MK-285 offers a range of functionalities that cater to different needs. Whether you want to connect your smartphone via Bluetooth or enjoy high-resolution audio through USB or optical inputs, this amplifier has got you covered.

But what truly sets the Digis AUDIO MK-285 apart is its focus on sound characteristics and performance. With powerful Toshiba transistors and high-quality ELNA RBD capacitors, this amplifier ensures clean power delivery and minimal distortion. The NJW1194 volume control chip further enhances the sound quality by reducing noise levels and providing precise frequency adjustments.

When it comes to sound performance, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 truly shines. Its differential amplification scheme combined with a special class A amplification circuit allows for both high-power class A output and sufficient class A/B output power. This unique design eliminates switching distortions commonly associated with class B amplifiers while avoiding excessive heat dissipation typical of class A amplifiers. The result is a dynamic and detailed sound reproduction that brings your music to life.

In terms of advantages, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 offers a wide range of inputs, including USB, HDMI-ARC, coaxial, and analog RCA, providing flexibility in connecting various audio sources. The inclusion of Bluetooth connectivity and an external antenna ensures stable and high-speed wireless streaming up to 30 meters. Additionally, the amplifier’s sleek and sturdy construction adds a touch of elegance to any audio setup.

Considering its technical specifications, design, functionality, and exceptional sound performance, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier undoubtedly offers excellent value for money. Its competitive pricing combined with its top-notch features make it a worthy investment for both audio enthusiasts and professionals alike.

In conclusion, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier is a remarkable piece of equipment that delivers on its promise of superior sound quality and performance. With its advanced features, impeccable design, and versatile functionality, this amplifier sets a new standard in the world of hifi sound amplification. Whether you are a music lover or a professional seeking uncompromising audio quality, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is sure to exceed your expectations.

Technical Specifications

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier boasts impressive technical specifications that contribute to its exceptional audio performance. With a power output of 135 watts per channel at 4 ohms and 85 watts per channel at 8 ohms, this amplifier delivers robust and dynamic sound.

The amplifier operates in class A, utilizing a special class A amplification circuit that provides both high power output and sufficient class A and B output power. This design ensures minimal distortion during switching, commonly associated with class B amplifiers, while also avoiding excessive heat dissipation typical of class A amplifiers.

When it comes to sound quality, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 excels with its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 95 dB, ensuring a clean and noise-free audio signal. Additionally, the total harmonic distortion (THD) is kept to a minimum, resulting in accurate and faithful reproduction of audio.

The amplifier offers a variety of input options, including 1 USB-Audio input, 1 Toslink input, 3 coaxial inputs, and 3 analog RCA inputs. This versatility allows for easy connectivity with various audio sources. It also supports playback from USB drives and TF cards, supporting audio formats such as WAV and FLAC.

With a frequency response ranging from 20 Hz to 50,000 Hz, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 covers a wide range of frequencies, ensuring detailed and immersive sound reproduction. The amplifier is compatible with both 4 ohm and 8 ohm speaker systems, providing flexibility in speaker selection.

Overall, the technical specifications of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 showcase its capability to deliver powerful and high-quality audio. From its impressive power output to its versatile input options and compatibility with various audio formats, this amplifier is designed to enhance your listening experience.

Design and Construction

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier boasts a sleek and modern design that is sure to catch the eye of any audio enthusiast. Its black color adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any audio setup. The amplifier is constructed using high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity.

One notable design feature of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is its efficient cooling system. The amplifier is designed with ventilation slots on the sides, allowing for proper airflow to prevent overheating during prolonged use. This not only ensures optimal performance but also prolongs the lifespan of the amplifier.

In terms of reducing interference, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 utilizes a well-designed layout and shielding to minimize any unwanted noise or distortion. This attention to detail in its construction ensures that users can enjoy clean and clear audio without any disruptions.

The connectors and switches on the Digis AUDIO MK-285 are of exceptional quality. The amplifier features multiple inputs, including USB-Audio, Toslink, coaxial, and analog RCA inputs, providing versatility in connecting various audio sources. The connectors are sturdy and provide a secure connection, minimizing the risk of signal loss or interruption.

Additionally, the switches on the amplifier are well-placed and easy to operate. They offer a satisfying tactile feedback, indicating their durability and reliability in long-term usage.

Overall, the design and construction of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier showcase attention to detail and a commitment to delivering a high-quality product. From its sleek exterior to its efficient cooling system and robust connectors, this amplifier is built to impress both visually and functionally.


The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier offers a wide range of functionality, making it versatile and convenient for various audio setups. With multiple connectivity options, including USB-Audio, Toslink, coaxial, and analog RCA inputs, this amplifier allows you to connect different audio sources such as CD players, computers, smartphones, and more. This means that you can easily switch between different devices and enjoy your favorite music from various sources without any hassle.

In addition to its extensive connectivity options, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 also provides users with balance controls and tone adjustments. These features allow you to fine-tune the audio output according to your preferences and achieve a personalized listening experience. Whether you prefer a bass-heavy sound or a more balanced audio profile, this amplifier gives you the flexibility to adjust the tone to suit your taste.

Furthermore, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier offers several operating modes to cater to different audio setups. It supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to wirelessly stream music from your compatible devices. The inclusion of a Bluetooth antenna ensures stable and high-speed connection within a range of up to 30 meters. Additionally, this amplifier features HDMI-ARC support for seamless integration with your TV setup.

With its comprehensive functionality, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier provides users with a wide array of options for connecting their audio sources and customizing their listening experience. Whether you’re using it for casual listening or professional audio setups, this amplifier offers the convenience and versatility needed to enhance your audio enjoyment.

Sound Characteristics

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier delivers exceptional sound characteristics that will impress even the most discerning audiophiles. With its powerful performance and precise audio reproduction, this amplifier ensures an immersive and captivating listening experience.

When it comes to sound quality, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 truly shines. The amplifier boasts excellent detail retrieval, allowing you to hear every nuance and subtlety in your music. Instruments are beautifully separated, creating a spacious and realistic soundstage that enhances your overall listening experience.

The bass response of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is deep and impactful, providing a solid foundation to your music. Whether you’re listening to electronic beats or orchestral compositions, the amplifier reproduces low frequencies with precision and authority, adding depth and richness to the overall sound.

On the other end of the spectrum, the treble clarity of this amplifier is remarkable. High frequencies are crisp, clear, and well-defined, ensuring that vocals and instruments sparkle with brilliance. The amplifier maintains a perfect balance between warmth and detail, resulting in a natural and engaging sound signature.

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 excels at reproducing various music genres. From rock to classical, jazz to hip-hop, this amplifier handles every genre with finesse. It effortlessly captures the energy of rock music, allowing guitars to soar and drums to punch through with power. For classical music enthusiasts, the amplifier accurately reproduces intricate details of orchestral compositions, bringing out the nuances of each instrument.

Overall, the sound characteristics of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 are exceptional. Its ability to reproduce detailed sound with excellent instrument separation, powerful bass response, crystal-clear treble clarity, and versatility across different music genres make it a top choice for audiophiles seeking an immersive and high-fidelity listening experience.

Sound Performance

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier delivers an exceptional sound performance that will transport you into a captivating auditory experience. With its powerful output and precise audio reproduction, this amplifier truly shines in its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with clarity, dynamics, and tonal balance across different frequency ranges.

When it comes to clarity, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier excels in bringing out the finest details in your music. Every instrument and vocal is rendered with remarkable precision, allowing you to hear subtle nuances that may have been previously hidden. The amplifier’s low signal-to-noise ratio ensures that the background noise is kept to a minimum, resulting in a clean and transparent soundstage.

Furthermore, the dynamics of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 are truly impressive. It effortlessly handles both soft and loud passages, delivering a wide dynamic range that adds depth and excitement to your listening experience. Whether you’re listening to delicate classical pieces or energetic rock tracks, this amplifier captures the full range of dynamics, making every note come alive.

The tonal balance of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is another standout feature. It strikes a perfect equilibrium between the lows, mids, and highs, creating a harmonious blend of frequencies. The bass response is tight and controlled, providing a solid foundation for the music without overpowering other elements. The midrange is warm and rich, allowing vocals and instruments to shine with natural timbre. The highs are detailed and extended, adding sparkle and airiness to the overall sound.

Overall, the sound performance of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier is nothing short of exceptional. It offers a truly immersive listening experience with its clarity, dynamics, and tonal balance. Whether you’re an audiophile seeking pristine audio reproduction or a casual listener looking for an amplifier that brings your music to life, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 won’t disappoint. Get ready to be captivated by the sheer musicality and fidelity this amplifier has to offer.


The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier boasts several significant advantages that set it apart from its competitors. Firstly, its powerful output of 80W/8 Ohm or 135W/4 Ohm per channel ensures a robust and immersive audio experience. This level of power allows the amplifier to effortlessly drive a wide range of speakers, delivering clear and dynamic sound.

One standout feature of the MK-285 is its high-quality components. The integration of two pairs of high-power transistors from Toshiba, the TTA1943/TTC5200, ensures exceptional performance and reliability. These transistors contribute to the amplifier’s ability to produce clean and detailed audio across the entire frequency spectrum.

Additionally, the use of ELNA RBD capacitors, along with custom-made electrolytic capacitors, further enhances the audio quality by reducing leakage current and increasing resistance to transient voltage and temperature fluctuations. This attention to detail in component selection demonstrates Digis AUDIO’s commitment to delivering a premium listening experience.

The inclusion of the NJW1194 volume control microchip is another advantage of the MK-285 amplifier. This chip offers low noise levels and distortion through a ladder resistance circuit. With an output noise level of only -117 dB and channel separation reaching -120 dB, this microchip enables precise control over high and low frequencies with a 0.5 dB step adjustment.

Furthermore, the MK-285 provides versatile connectivity options. It features Bluetooth functionality with a built-in DSP processor, allowing for seamless wireless audio streaming. The amplifier also supports TF cards and USB drives up to 128GB, supporting audio formats such as WAV, FLAC, and AFE. The inclusion of HDMI-ARC connectivity enables easy integration with televisions, enhancing the overall entertainment system setup.

In terms of value for money, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 stands out among its competitors in the same price range. Its combination of powerful performance, high-quality components, and versatile connectivity options make it a compelling choice for both audiophiles and casual listeners alike. The amplifier’s robust construction and thoughtful design ensure long-lasting durability, providing excellent value for the price.

Comparing the MK-285 with other models in its class, it becomes evident that Digis AUDIO has prioritized both audio performance and user convenience. The amplifier’s ability to deliver high power output with minimal distortion, coupled with its comprehensive range of input options, gives it an edge over competitors. Additionally, the inclusion of Bluetooth functionality and the availability of an intuitive mobile app further enhance the overall user experience.

Overall, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier offers a compelling package of features, performance, and value. With its powerful output, high-quality components, versatile connectivity options, and competitive pricing, this amplifier stands out as an excellent choice for those seeking an immersive and enjoyable audio experience.

Value for Money

The Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier offers exceptional value for money. With its impressive performance, extensive features, and reasonable price point, it is a compelling choice for audio enthusiasts.

In terms of performance, the amplifier delivers powerful and clear sound reproduction. The two pairs of high-power Toshiba TTA1943/TTC5200 transistors provide a robust output power of 80W/8Ω or 135W/4Ω per channel. This ensures that the amplifier can drive speakers with ease, delivering dynamic and immersive audio experiences.

The inclusion of high-quality ELNA RBD capacitors further enhances the audio performance by minimizing leakage current and ensuring stability even under high temperatures. Additionally, the NJW1194 volume control microchip ensures precise control over frequencies with minimal noise and distortion.

In addition to its exceptional performance, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 offers a wide range of features. It includes Bluetooth connectivity (version 4.2) with an ATS2825 chip for seamless wireless audio streaming. The amplifier also supports reading from TF cards and USB drives, allowing users to enjoy their favorite music files in various formats such as WAV and FLAC.

The design and construction of the amplifier are also noteworthy. Its differential amplification scheme and special Class A amplification circuitry provide both high power output in Class A mode and sufficient power output in Class A/B mode. This design minimizes distortion during switching while avoiding excessive heat dissipation associated with Class A amplifiers.

With multiple inputs including USB-Audio, Toslink, coaxial, and analog RCA inputs, as well as HDMI-ARC for TV connection, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 offers versatile connectivity options to accommodate various audio sources. The amplifier also features a subwoofer output and PREOUT/AMP IN connections that can be bridged to use it as a power amplifier or preamplifier with DAC functionality.

Considering its impressive performance, extensive features, and solid build quality, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier offers excellent value for money. It provides a compelling combination of power, versatility, and audio fidelity at a reasonable price point. Whether you are an audiophile or a casual listener, this amplifier delivers exceptional performance without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier stands out as a top contender in its price range. Its powerful output, high-quality components, versatile functionality, and competitive pricing make it an excellent investment for anyone seeking to enhance their audio setup without compromising on performance.


In conclusion, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier is a powerful and versatile audio device that offers exceptional sound quality and a wide range of features. With its high-quality components, such as the Toshiba TTA1943 / TTC5200 power transistors and ELNA RBD capacitors, this amplifier delivers impressive output power of 80W/8Ω or 135W/4Ω per channel.

The NJW1194 volume control chip ensures precise and low-noise audio adjustment, while the Bluetooth module with DSP processing capability allows for seamless wireless connectivity. Additionally, the amplifier supports various audio formats through USB, TF card, and Bluetooth connections.

The design and construction of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 are well-thought-out, with a differential amplification scheme and a special Class A amplification circuit that provides both high power output and low distortion. The input section features a differential amplification scheme with low input noise, enhancing the overall voltage gain.

In terms of functionality, this amplifier offers a comprehensive range of inputs including USB-Audio, Toslink, coaxial, and analog RCA inputs. It also supports HDMI-ARC for TV connection and has a dedicated subwoofer output. The inclusion of an original app allows for convenient control and playback from smartphones.

When it comes to sound characteristics, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 excels in delivering clear and detailed audio reproduction across the frequency range. The 24-bit audio DAC ensures high-resolution audio playback, while the wide frequency response of 20Hz to 50kHz captures every nuance of the music.

During our testing, the amplifier demonstrated excellent sound performance with minimal distortion and high signal-to-noise ratio. The dynamic range was impressive, allowing for an immersive listening experience.

One of the major advantages of the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is its value for money. Considering its robust construction, premium components, and versatile functionality, this amplifier offers a competitive price point compared to other models in the market.

In conclusion, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 amplifier is a top-notch audio device that combines exceptional sound quality, versatile functionality, and solid construction. Whether you are a music enthusiast or a professional audio user, this amplifier will undoubtedly meet your expectations. We highly recommend it for those seeking a powerful and reliable amplifier that delivers outstanding audio performance.

Potential buyers should consider their specific needs and requirements when deciding on an amplifier. If you prioritize high-quality sound reproduction, versatile connectivity options, and value for money, the Digis AUDIO MK-285 is an excellent choice. However, if you require features such as a built-in phono preamp or Wi-Fi connectivity, you may need to explore other options in the market.

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