Cambridge Azur 640A v2: Elevating Audio Excellence


In the world of audio enthusiasts, the pursuit of high-quality sound reproduction is a never-ending quest. Whether it’s for music lovers or home theater enthusiasts, having a reliable and powerful amplifier is crucial to achieving the best audio experience. Today, we will be diving into the world of amplifiers and exploring the features and performance of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2.

The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is a hifi sound amplifier that promises to deliver exceptional audio quality and an immersive listening experience. With its advanced features and robust construction, this amplifier aims to elevate your audio setup to new heights. Whether you’re a casual listener or an audiophile, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is designed to meet your demands and exceed your expectations.

Amplifiers play a vital role in any audio system as they boost weak audio signals and provide power to drive speakers. The quality of the amplifier directly impacts the overall sound reproduction, making it a crucial component for achieving optimal audio performance. With the Cambridge Azur 640A v2, you can expect nothing less than pristine sound quality and enhanced clarity.

Whether you’re using it for music playback or as part of a home theater setup, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 promises to deliver an immersive and engaging audio experience. Its advanced features and innovative design ensure that every note, every beat, and every word is reproduced with accuracy and precision.

In this review, we will delve into the technical specifications, design and construction, functionality, sound characteristics, and overall performance of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2. By the end of this review, you will have a comprehensive understanding of what this amplifier brings to the table and whether it is worth investing in for your audio needs. So sit back, relax, and let’s explore the world of high-quality sound amplification with the Cambridge Azur 640A v2.

Technical Specifications

The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier boasts impressive technical specifications that contribute to its exceptional performance.

With a power output of 75 watts per channel, this amplifier delivers robust and dynamic sound reproduction. It operates in Class AB, which combines the efficiency of Class B amplifiers with the low distortion characteristics of Class A amplifiers. This ensures a balance between power and fidelity.

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is noteworthy, standing at an impressive level. This means that the amplifier effectively minimizes background noise, resulting in a cleaner and more immersive audio experience. Additionally, the total harmonic distortion (THD) is kept to a minimum, guaranteeing accurate and faithful sound reproduction without unwanted distortions.

In terms of connectivity, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 offers a range of inputs and outputs to accommodate various audio sources. It features multiple line-level inputs, allowing you to connect your CD player, turntable, or other external devices effortlessly. The amplifier is also equipped with preamp outputs, enabling you to connect additional power amps or subwoofers for enhanced audio performance.

The frequency response of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is wide-ranging, ensuring that it can accurately reproduce both low and high frequencies. This results in a balanced and detailed soundstage across the entire audible spectrum. The amplifier’s impedance compatibility further enhances its versatility, enabling it to work seamlessly with a variety of speakers.

Overall, the technical specifications of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 demonstrate its commitment to delivering high-quality sound reproduction. Its power output, class operation, impressive SNR and THD figures, versatile connectivity options, wide frequency response, and impedance compatibility make it a standout choice for audiophiles seeking an amplifier that excels in performance and versatility.

Design and Construction

The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier boasts a sleek and modern design that will seamlessly blend into any audio setup. Its compact size and clean lines make it visually appealing, while its sturdy construction ensures durability.

The amplifier is encased in a high-quality metal chassis, which not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also provides excellent shielding against electromagnetic interference. This ensures that the audio signals remain clean and free from unwanted noise.

One of the standout design features of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is its efficient cooling system. The amplifier utilizes strategically placed heat sinks and ventilation slots to dissipate heat effectively, preventing overheating and ensuring optimal performance even during extended listening sessions.

In terms of connectivity, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 offers a range of high-quality connectors and switches. The input and output terminals are gold-plated, which not only enhances their durability but also improves signal transfer, resulting in improved audio quality. The switches have a solid feel to them, providing a satisfying tactile experience when adjusting settings.

Overall, the design and construction of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier exude quality and attention to detail. From its sleek exterior to its efficient cooling system and high-quality connectors, every aspect has been carefully considered to deliver an exceptional user experience.


The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier offers a wide range of functionality, making it a versatile choice for audio enthusiasts. It provides multiple connectivity options, allowing you to connect various audio sources such as CD players, computers, smartphones, and more. This ensures that you can easily integrate the amplifier into your existing setup, regardless of the source device.

In terms of controls, the amplifier offers balance controls and tone adjustments, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune the audio output according to your preferences. The balance controls allow you to adjust the sound distribution between the left and right channels, ensuring an optimal listening experience. Additionally, the tone adjustments enable you to customize the bass and treble levels, allowing you to achieve the desired audio balance.

Furthermore, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 may also include other operating modes that enhance its functionality. These modes could include features like direct mode or bypass mode, which allow for a purer and unaltered audio signal path. Such modes are particularly useful for audiophiles who prefer a more transparent and unadulterated sound reproduction.

Overall, the functionality of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is commendable. With its versatile connectivity options and adjustable controls, it provides users with a seamless and personalized audio experience. Whether you are connecting a CD player or streaming music from your smartphone, this amplifier ensures that you have all the necessary features to optimize your audio playback.

Sound Characteristics

The sound quality of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is truly impressive. It delivers a rich and detailed audio experience that will captivate any music enthusiast.

One of the standout features of this amplifier is its ability to provide excellent instrument separation. Each instrument in the music arrangement is distinct and well-defined, allowing you to appreciate the nuances and intricacies of the performance. Whether it’s a complex orchestral piece or an intimate acoustic recording, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 ensures that every instrument shines through with clarity.

The bass response of this amplifier is deep and powerful, adding a sense of weight and impact to the music. The low frequencies are well-controlled and never overpowering, providing a solid foundation for the overall sound presentation. From thumping bass lines in electronic music to the rumble of a double bass in jazz, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 handles low-end frequencies with finesse.

When it comes to treble clarity, this amplifier excels. The highs are crisp and detailed without any harshness or sibilance. It effortlessly reproduces delicate cymbal crashes, sparkling guitar solos, and airy vocals with precision and transparency. The treble range is smooth yet articulate, adding a touch of brilliance to the overall sound signature.

In terms of overall sound presentation, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 offers a balanced and natural soundstage. The audio feels spacious and immersive, allowing you to feel like you’re right in the middle of a live performance. The amplifier’s ability to accurately reproduce the dynamics and subtle nuances of the music creates an engaging listening experience.

No matter what genre of music you prefer, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier enhances your listening pleasure across the board. From classical symphonies to rock anthems, it faithfully reproduces each genre’s unique characteristics. It brings out the warmth and richness in jazz recordings, the energy and drive in rock music, and the intricacies and delicacy of classical compositions. The versatility of this amplifier ensures that it can handle any musical genre with finesse and accuracy.

Overall, the sound characteristics of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier are exceptional. Its ability to deliver detailed instrument separation, powerful bass response, clear treble, and a balanced sound presentation make it a top choice for audiophiles seeking an immersive and captivating listening experience across various music genres.

Sound Performance

The sound performance of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is truly exceptional. It has the ability to transport listeners into a world of immersive auditory experiences.

One of the standout qualities of this amplifier is its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with remarkable clarity. Every note, every instrument, and every vocal is presented with stunning precision and detail. The level of transparency offered by this amplifier is truly impressive, allowing the listener to hear even the subtlest nuances in the music.

In terms of dynamics, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 does not disappoint. It effortlessly handles both delicate passages and explosive crescendos, delivering a wide range of dynamics with finesse and control. This ensures that the music comes alive, creating a sense of realism and excitement.

The tonal balance provided by this amplifier is outstanding across all frequency ranges. The lows are deep and impactful, without overpowering or muddying the rest of the audio spectrum. The midrange is rich and full-bodied, adding warmth and presence to vocals and instruments. The highs are crisp and detailed, offering excellent resolution and sparkle without any harshness or fatigue.

Whether you’re listening to classical music with its intricate orchestration or enjoying the energetic beats of electronic music, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 delivers an incredibly satisfying sound performance that will captivate even the most discerning audiophiles.

Overall, the sound performance of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is nothing short of remarkable. Its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with clarity, dynamic range, and tonal balance makes it a standout choice for anyone seeking an immersive listening experience.


The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier boasts several key advantages that set it apart from its competitors in the market. Firstly, its upgraded preamplifier stage with buffered inputs effectively reduces cross-interference and enhances stereo sound reproduction. Additionally, the inclusion of a dedicated Class A headphone amplifier ensures optimal performance for headphone users.

Compared to other models in its price range, the 640A v2 offers exceptional value for money. Its redesigned amplification stage, featuring low-noise input transistors and specialized driver cascades, contributes to an elevated level of audio quality. The incorporation of separate current sources for the voltage amplifier and preamplifier stages further enhances overall sound performance.

Furthermore, the 640A v2 is equipped with outputs for the innovative Incognito system by Cambridge Audio. By connecting external Incognito keypads and power supplies, this amplifier can seamlessly integrate into a multi-room setup, serving as the central component. The inclusion of control bus inputs/outputs and an IR source input also facilitates easy integration into custom installation systems.

In terms of hardware, the 640A v2 features separate secondary windings for left and right channels, paired rectifiers, and independent power supplies for dual-action left and right power amplifiers in mono mode. With larger radiators and transformers, this amplifier delivers an impressive output power of 75W per channel.

Overall, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 stands out among its competitors due to its advanced features, superior audio quality, and versatility in multi-room setups. Its value for money proposition makes it a compelling choice for audiophiles seeking a high-performance amplifier without breaking the bank.

Value for Money

The Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier offers exceptional value for money, considering its impressive performance, extensive features, and competitive price point. This amplifier delivers high-quality sound reproduction, making it a worthy investment for both audiophiles and casual listeners alike.

In terms of performance, the 640A v2 excels in delivering clean and powerful audio. With its redesigned amplification stage and low-noise input transistors, this amplifier ensures minimal distortion and enhanced sound clarity. The addition of a separate Class A headphone amplifier further enhances the versatility of this device.

When it comes to features, the 640A v2 does not disappoint. It is equipped with buffered inputs to reduce crosstalk and improve stereo sound reproduction. The inclusion of outputs for the Cambridge Audio Incognito system allows for easy integration into multi-room setups. Additionally, the presence of control bus inputs/outputs and an IR source input facilitates seamless integration into custom installation systems.

Considering its robust construction and thoughtful design, the 640A v2 offers excellent durability and longevity. The inclusion of separate secondary transformer windings for left and right channels, paired rectifiers, and independent power supplies for dual-action mono amplifiers further showcases the attention to detail in its construction.

In terms of pricing, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier provides great value compared to other amplifiers in its class. It offers a balance between affordability and performance, making it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality audio without breaking the bank.

Overall, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier delivers exceptional value for money. Its combination of impressive performance, extensive features, and competitive pricing make it a standout choice in the market. Whether you are a discerning audiophile or simply someone who appreciates great sound quality, this amplifier is sure to exceed your expectations without emptying your wallet.


In conclusion, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is a remarkable piece of audio equipment that delivers exceptional performance and quality. With its advanced features, solid construction, and impressive sound characteristics, it stands out as a top choice for audiophiles and music enthusiasts.

The amplifier’s technical specifications highlight its attention to detail and commitment to delivering an enhanced audio experience. The inclusion of a new preamplifier stage with buffered inputs reduces cross-interference and improves stereo sound reproduction. Additionally, the addition of a separate Class A headphone amplifier further enhances the versatility of this amplifier.

The design and construction of the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 are both sleek and durable. The use of low-noise input transistors, a special control cascade for managing the power supply, and separate current sources for voltage amplifiers contribute to an elevated level of sound quality. The incorporation of outputs for the Cambridge Audio Incognito system allows for easy integration into multi-room setups.

Functionality-wise, this amplifier offers convenient control options with control bus inputs/outputs and an IR source input. These features make it effortless to integrate this amplifier into custom installation systems.

When it comes to sound characteristics, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 excels in delivering a rich and immersive audio experience. The improvements made to the initial circuitry result in enhanced sound quality that takes your listening pleasure to new heights. With separate secondary windings for left and right channels, paired rectifiers, and separate power supplies for dual-action left and right power amplifiers in mono mode, this amplifier ensures optimal performance.

One of the significant advantages of this amplifier is its ability to provide a powerful output of 75W per channel. This ensures that even demanding speakers can be driven effectively, producing clear and dynamic sound reproduction across various genres and audio sources.

In terms of value for money, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 offers excellent bang for your buck. With its exceptional build quality, advanced features, and impressive audio performance, it provides a high-end experience at a relatively affordable price point compared to other amplifiers in its class.

For potential buyers seeking a versatile and high-performing amplifier, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 is highly recommended. Whether you are a music enthusiast or an audiophile, this amplifier will undoubtedly elevate your listening experience with its outstanding sound quality and robust construction.

In conclusion, the Cambridge Azur 640A v2 amplifier is a true gem in the world of audio equipment, delivering exceptional performance and value for money. Its advanced features, solid construction, and remarkable sound characteristics make it a top contender for anyone looking to enhance their audio setup.

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