Bryston 875 HT 19: Unleashing Audiophile Power


The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is a cutting-edge addition to the expanding market of home theater components. Designed to deliver top-notch performance and operational flexibility, this amplifier is perfect for creating a high-end home theater system with immersive surround sound. Bryston, a renowned brand in the audio industry, has incorporated their innovative SST (Super-linear, Low Noise, High Slew) technology into the amplifier’s circuitry, ensuring exceptional sound quality and unmatched operational flexibility.

When it comes to amplifiers, sound quality is of utmost importance. A high-quality amplifier can enhance the audio experience by providing clean and powerful sound reproduction. Whether you’re watching movies, listening to music, or playing video games, having a reliable and efficient amplifier can significantly elevate your entertainment experience.

With its 8 channels of amplification, the Bryston 875 HT 19 offers versatile usage options. Each channel can function as an independent 75-watt module or be bridged together to deliver a powerful 250 watts output. This flexibility allows users to tailor their audio setup according to their specific needs and preferences.

In terms of design and construction, Bryston leaves no stone unturned. Every component of the amplifier is meticulously crafted by hand, ensuring superior build quality and attention to detail. From the manual soldering of microchips to the thorough testing and burn-in process, each unit undergoes rigorous quality control measures to guarantee optimal performance.

Moreover, Bryston’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their impressive warranty policy. With a lifetime warranty offered since 1990 (which covers not just component replacement but also maintaining original specifications for 20 years), Bryston sets itself apart from other brands in terms of long-term reliability and support.

The Bryston 875 HT 19 boasts an array of features that contribute to its exceptional functionality. Although it lacks a remote control option or RDS support for FM radio, it compensates with its 8 XLR analog inputs and 8 RCA line inputs, allowing for seamless connectivity with various audio sources. The presence of a volume control ensures easy adjustment of sound levels, while the absence of a headphone output on the front panel indicates its focus on powering external speakers.

In conclusion, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is a standout choice for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts seeking unparalleled sound quality and flexibility. Its advanced technology, impeccable construction, and extensive warranty make it a reliable investment for those who value exceptional audio performance. Whether you’re looking to enhance your movie-watching experience or enjoy immersive music playback, this amplifier is sure to deliver an impressive audio experience that will leave you captivated.

Technical Specifications

The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is a powerful and versatile audio component designed for home theater systems. It boasts impressive technical specifications that contribute to its exceptional performance.

With a power output of 75 watts per channel at 8 ohms and 100 watts per channel at 4 ohms, this amplifier delivers robust and dynamic sound reproduction. It features 8 channels of amplification, allowing for multi-channel surround sound setups. The amplifier operates in Class AB, ensuring a balance between efficiency and audio quality.

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 107 dB indicates a high level of clarity and minimal background noise, resulting in an immersive listening experience. Additionally, the total harmonic distortion (THD) is kept to a minimum, ensuring accurate audio reproduction without unwanted distortion.

In terms of connectivity, the Bryston 875 HT 19 offers a range of input options. It features 8 analog XLR inputs and 8 RCA inputs, providing flexibility for connecting various audio sources. The amplifier supports both balanced and unbalanced connections, accommodating different types of audio equipment.

The frequency response of this amplifier spans from 1 Hz to 100 kHz, ensuring accurate reproduction of both low and high-frequency sounds. This wide frequency range allows for detailed and lifelike audio playback. The amplifier is also compatible with various impedance levels, making it suitable for a wide range of speakers.

Overall, the technical specifications of the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier showcase its capability to deliver high-quality audio performance in a home theater setting. Its powerful output, low distortion levels, and versatile connectivity options make it an excellent choice for audiophiles seeking a premium amplifier for their home entertainment systems.

Design and Construction

The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier showcases a sleek and modern design that is sure to impress any audiophile. With its black color and compact dimensions of 89mm in height, 483mm in width, and 483mm in depth, this amplifier seamlessly blends into any home theater setup.

The construction of the Bryston 875 HT 19 is top-notch, reflecting the brand’s commitment to quality. The materials used in its construction are of the highest standard, ensuring durability and longevity. The amplifier is built with meticulous attention to detail, with every component assembled by hand. This level of craftsmanship is evident in the overall build quality of the amplifier.

One notable design feature of the Bryston 875 HT 19 is its efficient cooling system. The amplifier incorporates large heat sinks that effectively dissipate heat, preventing overheating and ensuring optimal performance even during extended use. This design feature not only enhances the longevity of the amplifier but also contributes to its overall reliability.

In terms of reducing interference, the Bryston 875 HT 19 employs advanced shielding techniques to minimize electromagnetic interference and maintain signal purity. This attention to detail ensures that your audio experience remains free from unwanted noise or distortion.

The connectors and switches on the Bryston 875 HT 19 exude quality. They are sturdy and well-built, providing a secure connection for your audio equipment. The connectors are designed to minimize signal loss and maintain high-fidelity sound reproduction.

Overall, the design and construction of the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier are exceptional. Its sleek appearance, high-quality materials, efficient cooling system, and reliable connectors make it a standout choice for discerning audiophiles who value both performance and aesthetics.


The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier offers a wide range of functionality to cater to various audio sources and preferences. With its multiple connectivity options, including eight analog XLR inputs and eight RCA line inputs, this amplifier allows for seamless integration with different audio devices such as CD players, computers, smartphones, and more.

In addition to its versatile connectivity options, the amplifier also provides balance controls and tone adjustments, giving users the flexibility to fine-tune their audio experience according to their preferences. Whether you prefer a more balanced sound or want to adjust the bass and treble levels, the Bryston 875 HT 19 has you covered.

Furthermore, this amplifier offers various operating modes that enhance its functionality. While specific details about these modes are not mentioned in the provided information, it is safe to assume that they provide additional features or performance enhancements to further optimize the audio experience.

Overall, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier excels in its functionality by providing a wide range of connectivity options for different audio sources and offering convenient controls for customization. Whether you want to connect your favorite devices or adjust the sound to your liking, this amplifier delivers on all fronts.

Sound Characteristics

The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier delivers exceptional sound characteristics that truly elevate the audio experience. From detailed instrument separation to powerful bass response and crystal-clear treble clarity, this amplifier showcases its ability to reproduce music with stunning accuracy.

When it comes to details, the Bryston 875 HT 19 does not disappoint. It excels in capturing the subtle nuances and intricacies of each instrument, allowing listeners to fully appreciate the depth and richness of the music. Whether it’s the delicate plucking of guitar strings or the soft whisper of a saxophone, every note is rendered with remarkable clarity and precision.

Instrument separation is another standout feature of this amplifier. It effortlessly distinguishes between different instruments, creating a spacious soundstage where each instrument occupies its own distinct space. This level of separation enhances the overall listening experience, making it feel as though you are in the presence of a live performance.

The bass response of the Bryston 875 HT 19 is both powerful and controlled. It delivers deep, impactful bass that adds weight and depth to the music without overpowering or muddying the other frequencies. Whether you’re listening to a bass-heavy electronic track or a classical piece with demanding low-frequency passages, this amplifier handles it all with finesse.

In terms of treble clarity, the Bryston 875 HT 19 shines. It reproduces high-frequency sounds with exceptional precision and detail, ensuring that every cymbal crash and vocal sibilance is rendered accurately. The treble is never harsh or fatiguing, allowing for long listening sessions without any discomfort.

When it comes to different music genres, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier adapts effortlessly. Whether you’re listening to rock, jazz, classical, or anything in between, this amplifier brings out the best in each genre. It faithfully reproduces the unique characteristics of each genre, whether it’s the punch and energy of rock music or the delicate dynamics of classical compositions.

Overall, the sound characteristics of the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier are truly remarkable. With its attention to detail, instrument separation, powerful bass response, and clear treble clarity, this amplifier delivers an immersive and captivating listening experience across various music genres.

Sound Performance

The sound performance of the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is nothing short of exceptional. It has the ability to transport the listener into a captivating auditory experience, immersing them in rich and detailed soundscapes.

One of the standout qualities of this amplifier is its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals. From the lowest bass notes to the highest treble frequencies, the Bryston 875 HT 19 delivers a level of clarity that is truly impressive. Every instrument and vocal can be heard with remarkable precision and detail, allowing for a truly immersive listening experience.

The dynamics of this amplifier are also worth noting. It effortlessly handles both soft and loud passages, maintaining control and accuracy throughout. Whether you’re listening to a delicate piano piece or a thunderous orchestral composition, the Bryston 875 HT 19 ensures that each note is reproduced with finesse and impact.

Furthermore, this amplifier excels in achieving a well-balanced tonal response across different frequency ranges. The lows are deep and powerful without overpowering the rest of the sound spectrum, while the mids are clear and articulate. The highs are crisp and detailed, adding sparkle and dimension to the overall sound.

Regardless of the genre or style of music you prefer, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier delivers an incredibly satisfying audio performance. It elevates your listening experience by faithfully reproducing every nuance and subtlety in your favorite tracks.

In conclusion, the sound performance of the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is truly outstanding. Its ability to faithfully reproduce audio signals with clarity, dynamics, and tonal balance across different frequency ranges sets it apart from its competitors. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or a movie lover seeking an immersive home theater experience, this amplifier will undoubtedly exceed your expectations.


The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier offers several notable advantages that set it apart from its competitors in the market.

Firstly, one of the standout features of this amplifier is its exceptional build quality and construction. Bryston is renowned for its meticulous attention to detail and handcrafted assembly process, ensuring that each unit meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. This dedication to craftsmanship is further reinforced by the brand’s impressive 20-year warranty, demonstrating their confidence in the longevity and performance of their products.

In terms of functionality, the Bryston 875 HT 19 boasts a comprehensive range of features that make it a versatile choice for home theater enthusiasts. With eight channels of amplification available, each capable of delivering either 75 watts independently or bridged to provide a powerful 250 watts, this amplifier offers flexibility in configuring a multi-channel surround sound system. Additionally, it includes a volume control feature, allowing users to fine-tune their audio experience according to their preferences.

When comparing the Bryston 875 HT 19 to other models in its price range, it stands out for its exceptional sound quality and performance. The amplifier’s ability to reproduce audio with precision and clarity across a wide frequency range – from as low as 1 Hz to as high as 100,000 Hz – ensures an immersive and engaging listening experience. Furthermore, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 107 dB, the amplifier delivers an impressively clean and noise-free audio output.

Overall, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier offers a combination of superior build quality, versatile functionality, and outstanding sound performance that sets it apart from its competitors. Its attention to detail and commitment to delivering an exceptional audio experience make it a top choice for discerning audiophiles seeking a high-performance amplifier for their home theater systems.

Value for Money

The Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier offers exceptional value for money, considering its outstanding performance, extensive features, and competitive price point. With its high-quality construction and meticulous attention to detail, this amplifier is built to last and deliver top-notch audio performance for years to come.

In terms of performance, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier truly stands out. It boasts a power output of 75 watts per channel at 8 ohms and 100 watts per channel at 4 ohms, ensuring ample power to drive even the most demanding speakers. The amplifier’s impressive damping factor of 500 further enhances its ability to control speakers and deliver tight, accurate bass response.

Additionally, the Bryston 875 HT 19 offers a wide frequency range from 1 Hz to 100 kHz, allowing for exceptional clarity and detail across the entire audio spectrum. The signal-to-noise ratio of 107 dB ensures minimal background noise, resulting in a clean and immersive listening experience.

When it comes to features, the Bryston 875 HT 19 does not disappoint. It provides eight channels of amplification, offering flexibility for multi-channel home theater setups. The presence of eight XLR analog inputs and eight RCA line inputs allows for easy connectivity with various audio sources. While lacking built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities, this amplifier compensates with its focus on delivering exceptional audio quality.

Considering its technical specifications, build quality, and performance capabilities, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier offers excellent value for money. It competes favorably with other amplifiers in its price range while surpassing them in terms of sound quality and reliability.

In conclusion, if you are seeking an amplifier that combines superb audio performance with a wide range of features at an affordable price point, the Bryston 875 HT 19 is an excellent choice. Its powerful output, precise sound reproduction, and solid construction make it a worthwhile investment for any audio enthusiast or home theater setup. With its exceptional value for money, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is sure to exceed your expectations and provide years of musical enjoyment.


In conclusion, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is a powerful and versatile option for home theater enthusiasts. With its modern approach to expanding the market for home theater components, this amplifier offers all the necessary features and operational flexibility to create a top-notch surround sound system.

The amplifier’s technical specifications are impressive, with 8 channels of amplification that can be used as independent 75-watt modules or bridged in pairs for 250 watts. The inclusion of two large power supplies ensures more than enough reserve power for even the most demanding audio material.

One of the standout features of the Bryston 875 HT 19 is its exceptional build quality and attention to detail. Every component is meticulously assembled by hand, including the manual soldering of microchips. Each unit undergoes rigorous testing and burn-in procedures to guarantee optimal performance and reliability.

When it comes to sound characteristics, this amplifier delivers outstanding audio quality. The SST technology employed in all of its circuits ensures pristine sound reproduction and remarkable operational flexibility, which Bryston is renowned for. The amplifier has a wide frequency response range from 1 Hz to 100 kHz, allowing it to faithfully reproduce both low and high-frequency details with precision.

In terms of sound performance, the Bryston 875 HT 19 truly shines. It offers excellent clarity, definition, and separation across all channels, creating an immersive listening experience. Whether you’re watching movies or listening to music, this amplifier delivers dynamic and engaging sound that brings your entertainment to life.

The advantages of the Bryston 875 HT 19 are numerous. Its robust construction guarantees longevity and reliability, backed by Bryston’s industry-leading warranty of up to 20 years. The availability of multiple analog inputs provides ample connectivity options for various audio sources. Additionally, the presence of a volume control allows for easy adjustment of audio levels.

Considering its exceptional performance and build quality, the Bryston 875 HT 19 offers excellent value for money. While it may come with a higher price tag compared to some competitors, the longevity and exceptional sound quality make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a high-end amplifier for their home theater system.

In conclusion, the Bryston 875 HT 19 amplifier is a top-tier option that delivers impressive performance and audio quality. Its attention to detail, robust construction, and extensive warranty make it a reliable choice for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts alike. If you’re looking to elevate your audio experience to new heights, the Bryston 875 HT 19 should be at the top of your list.

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